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Hi there!

Nice to "meet" you.
I'm Sofie Kenens, the face behind SNOW MOON MINERALS.
I’m 38 years old, a huge crystal enthusiast, full-blown capricorn, illustrator, mother of 3 furry animals and together with my partner miguel, I live off-grid in the beautiful mountains of Andalucia, Spain.



• • MY STORY • •

My mom has been a spiritual practitioner for many years.
So going to our mom’s for an evening of tarot and pulling cards
is pretty normal in our family. It’s through my mom that i learned about energy work,
spirit guides, spirituality, the importance of healing and of course … crystals :)

I had a few of them laying around over the years and i was always mesmerized by their looks,
but i did not really use them. It’s in the summer of 2020 that i felt more drawn to crystals 
and started using them on a daily base.
The summer of 2020 was pretty rough for me.
The heartbreak of my father’s passing, years of stress, anxiety, constantly working on deadlines
and always putting myself second, took a toll on my health. It all build up inside of me
and resulted in an unbalanced sympathetic nervous system and a blocked heart chakra.

Fears for my health catapulted me right into “a dark night of the soul”.
Besides homeopathy, accupuncture, energy work and a new mindset of course,
I turned to crystals to complement my recovery.
I learned all about their spiritual healing properties and how to use them.
I’m a firm believer that if a crystal is calling you, you need it.
I felt how the gentle vibrations of these unique stardust-filled stones
were encouraging & assisting me in my healing journey. 

I was (and still am) so grateful for all the help i've received from my crystals, so i could not wait to pay it forward. 
My heart was telling to act upon it and SNOW MOON MINERALS came into existence.